Breathing Exercises for
Balance & Vitality
2020 Webinars via Zoom
Wed. June 3~ 6-8 pm (A) or
Wed. June 10 ~ 3:45 - 5:30 pm (B)
Wed. Sept. 2 ~ 3:30 - 5:30 pm (C)
NOTE: These are all the same
classes but repeated.
Class time: Eastern Standard Time EST
$35 for this class; If anyone needs to make other arrangements please contact me.
Register with JaniceMarie at jmdchi@mindspring.com or
919 563-4454.
Payment through PayPal to jmdchi@mindspring.com or mail check made out to Janice Durand to 4316 Bradford Ridge Rd. Efland, NC 27243
This 2020 Webinar class will be offered various times:
2 NCBTMB's available & hours can go toward Polarity Therapy Certification thru APTA
This experiential interactive class will explore a variety of pranayama breathing exercises and tools to bring balance, vitality and calming to our system. We will focus on calming breaths, energizing breaths, Breathing for the heart, Nervous system balancing breaths, Endocrine system balancing breaths. There will be an emphasis on opening the respiratory diaphragm, the lungs and reflex points for the respiratory system. This class will blend tools from Polarity Therapy, Chinese Medicine (Chi Gong & Chinese Meridians,) Brain Gym and Kundalini Yoga. Each participant will receive a Class handout with the list of exercises.