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About the Director:

Janice Marie Durand is the founder and director of Tree of Life Center. Since 1991, TLC has offered professional development & continuing education for bodyworkers specializing in 'whole brain, experiential learning' through energy healing and wellness classes. 


Janice Marie guides and develops Somatic Energy Healing & Polarity Therapy trainings, as well as movement and embodiment practices such as T’ai Chi, Chi Gong, & Gentle Energy Yoga classes for over 30 years now. She is a bodywork and massage therapist licensed in North Carolina and incorporates somatic transformational bodywork, mind/body energy alignment, and trauma healing in her private practice around the Hillsborough, Saxapahaw and Durham areas. Janice Marie is an ABMP Certified Somatic Therapist, a Board Certified Polarity Practitioner (BCPP), and a Registered Polarity Therapy Educator (RPE). 


Her passion and focus are to guide and empower people to become more balanced by helping them listen to their bodies' internal nature and wisdom on physical, energetic, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.


“The beauty of the work – the sacredness, the depth, the balance, the pure joy – comes to life in Janice, and is clearly evident in the environment she creates and in the fullness of her teaching.”- MQ

Professional Experience&Affiliations:

  • North Carolina Licensed Bodywork & Massage Therapist #1349 ~ 1/2001 to Present

  • Board Certified Polarity Practitioner ~ 12/2018 to present

  • National Certification Board of Massage & Bodywork Therapy (NCBTMB)  

​       Certified Continuing Education Approved Provider #312991-00 ~ 5/2002 to Present.

  • ABMP Certified Somatic Therapist Association for Bodywork & Massage Professionals~ 12/2009 to Present

  • Polarity Therapy Professional (PTP) – with International Polarity Education Alliance (IPEA) ~ 5/2010 to Present

  • Bodywork and Somatic Education (BASE) Practitioner – Advanced Trauma Touch training with David Berger 11/2016 - Present  (Assistant for 2017 training)  

  • Graduate Somatic Training at the Body Therapy Institute, Saxapahaw, NC  350 hr. Advanced somatic bodywork training. 1989-90

  • American Polarity Therapy Association member ~ 91 to 2009 & 2018- present

    • APTA Registered Polarity Practitioner (RPP) ~ 94 to 2009  & 2018- Feb. 2019

    • APTA Registered in Polarity Principles (RPP) ~ Feb. 2019 - present

    • Registered Polarity Educator (RPE) ~ 2003 to 2009 & 2018 - present (1st Grandparented group)

    • APTA Approved APP Training manager for Associate in Polarity Principles level training ~                                May 22, 2000 - 2009 & 2018 - present (155-200 hr. Educational Program approved) 

    • APTA Approved RPP Training manager for Registered in Polarity Principles level training ~                         2000 - 2009 & 2018 - present. (520 hr. Educational Program approved)

    • American Polarity Therapy Association APTA Standards for Education Committee 4/2020 to Present

    • Board Certified Polarity Practitioner BCPP provider ~ 12/2020 - present                                                          (Approved Provider for 120 hr. Advanced Clinical Supervision & Classes)

    • Polarity Therapy Teacher training/mentoring ~2001 - 2009 & 2018

    • APTA Standards for Education Committee ~ 2019 - Present   

    • APTA Standards for Education ATM Teams to update the 9th Edition to 10th Edition standards for Education ~ 2020 - Present                                                                                                                                              

Students say...

"Janice Marie is able to open a palpable energetic field in which her students can experientially learn - through meditations, visual/aural examples, and embodiment exercises. She speaks directly to each student from her heart, imparting individual teachings. Janice Marie’s emphasis for students to be present in their bodies’ and as comfortable and relaxed in their body mechanics as possible when giving Polarity therapy is invaluable - teaching her students internal energetic yoga, with great impact on their quality of work." - MM

"I’ve been studying consistently with Janice for almost 10 years and suspect I’ll still be learning from her for another 10 years. She is gifted in her ability to invite students into a co-creation of the learning environment while guiding us to deepen our own unique, inner experience of healing. If Janice Marie is teaching, we’re all learning; sometimes even more than we may be aware of." - CH

"As a teacher, Janice Marie honors each of her student’s innate and unique intelligence. She teaches the practitioner skills of deep listening so that we can do the same for ourselves and our clients. She creates an atmosphere of safety and inclusion in her classes that is foundational for allowing students to go deeper into their own soul’s work. As a master teacher and Polarity Therapist, Janice Marie reminds us to keep opening to the wider view of our soul’s journey from Source and back again." - LC

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