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 Chakra Element Theory Video Series 
    7 Class Videos for Purchase
with Janice Marie Durand


This video series explores in detail each energy portal of the Seven Chakras and Five Elements. Through a Polarity Therapy lens, the videos synthesize over three decades of seasoned teaching. (videos: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether, combo Ajna & Crown, and Chakra integration. - Five hours of teaching material

Each Chakra / Element video includes:

  • Overview and summary of physical, mental, & emotional aspects.

  • Qualities & Attributes;

  • Affirmations;

  • Balances and imbalances;

  • Orthodox and energetic anatomy of related locations, organs, body system, and endocrine gland associated with each vital center. 

  • Related Elemental Foods.

A Chakra Summary handout is included for each Chakra to accompany the video and help the material integrate. 

"Janice Marie is able to open a palpable energetic field in which her students can experientially learn - through meditations, visual/aural examples, and embodiment exercises. She speaks directly to each student from her heart, imparting individual teachings. Janice Marie’s emphasis for students to be present in their bodies’ and as comfortable and relaxed in their body mechanics as possible is invaluable - teaching her students internal energetic yoga, with great impact." - MM

Video # 1 - Earth Chakra 
Video # 2 - Water Chakra 
Video # 3 - Fire Chakra 
Video # 4  - Air Chakra 
Video #5  - Ether Chakra 
Video # 6 - Upper Chakras 
Video # 7 -  Chakra Integtration


Cost: $150 for the series / $25 for individual classes.

To Purchase:

Send an email to Janice Marie at with your name, address, and phone.


Send Payment:

Venmo-  @JaniceMarie-Durand

or Mail check made out to Janice Durand to: 4316 Bradford Ridge Rd. Efland, NC 27243.

These hours can go toward APTA-approved APP & RPP educational credit. Please specify when registering so that a transcript can be sent as you complete these hours.

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