Chakras & Elements Intro
"Polarity Therapy"

Fridays Mar. 19 & 26, 2021
with Janice Marie Durand
2-5:30 pm EST/
11 am -2:30 pm PST
7 Training Hours total
Please Register by Wed. Mar. 3rd
~NCBTMC CE's are available
~Hours can be applied toward
Polarity Therapy Training Certification
*Pre-Requisite for Professional Training*
Explore the dynamic Seven Chakras & the Five Elements of Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth through the Polarity Therapy system. All creation is woven from these five harmonic qualities that spring from a unified Life-force energy. They are the gears of life that allow us the free range of experience, expression, and possibility. These qualities of energy create health, balance, and flexibility in our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual realms.
In a highly experiential way, we will explore elemental energy maps through hands-on table work exchanges; Element theory & psychology; Balances and imbalances; Energy exercises; Lifestyle support. In reverence, we will be guided by these archetypal ancestors. We will become familiar with the internal and external expressions of these elemental hues. Participants will develop concrete tools to incorporate into client sessions. Class handouts will be mailed prior to this on-line class. Students will receive a recorded video of the class and a video link to the Energetic Tablework protocols we will learn.
For more info call 919 265-7417 or email jmdchi@mindspring.com
Cost: $145 ($75 deposit 2 weeks prior to ensure a spot)
Our Payment Options
Zelle to jmdchi@mindspring.com
Paypal to jmdchi@mindspring.com
(add 3% for fees)
Mail a check to:
Janice Marie Durand
4316 Bradford Ridge Rd.
Efland, NC 27243