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Energy Exercises for Nervous System Balance

Explore a dynamic and holistic approach to balancing the Nervous System and negotiating Stress through the comprehensive Energy model of Polarity Therapy.  Learn the importance of an energetically balanced and healthy autonomic and central nervous system and its effect on the flow of “Prana” in the body. These important Energy balancing techniques are profound healing resource tools to fortify and balance the Nervous System layer.   


In this class, students will learn Polarity Therapy techniques to balance the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic branches of the Autonomic Nervous System thru experiential exercises, bodywork, and anatomy and Physiology.  Chronic stress and unresolved trauma stored in the nervous system creates disease and disharmony in the body taking on many forms~ poor digestion, disrupted sleep patterns, pain and muscle contraction, headaches, mental, physical and emotional tension.  Once the energetic release on a Nervous System level is addressed, everything can relax making our jobs easier as bodyworkers.   Supporting and freeing this blocked energy is vital in restoring and maintaining harmonious health - mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.   

Pre-Requisite: Intro to Energy Healing classes
with Tree of Life Center
Day one is a pre-requisite for day two & three

For more info call 919 563-4454 or email 
Cost: $280  ($50 deposit 2 weeks prior to save your place) 
Make checks out to Janice Durand and send to
4316 Bradford Ridge Rd. Efland, NC 27243
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