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Cranium & Pelvis Energetics


?? , 2020

with Janice Marie Durand

Outside Hillsborough

Fri & Sat

9am-5:30pm, 14 CE's

Training Content ~  Each of the Cranial Bones has a direct energetic reciprocal relationship to the Pelvic Bones below.  Using the law of similarities and the principle of resonance, we will experientially explore the corresponding bones with energy holds to bring a balance into into the wholeness of the system.  


This advanced interactive class will including: Palpation skills; Anatomy models; Coloring; Movement, and Bodywork to bring the Central Nervous System and structure into balance with gentle energetic techniques.   We will be relating to the “original matrix’ of wholeness and inherent health in the system based on the comprehensive Polarity Therapy healing model of Dr. Randolf Stone, DO which has it’s roots in the old original Osteopathic traditions.   

For more info call 919 563-4454 or email 
Cost: $325  ($75 deposit 2 weeks prior to save your place) 
Make checks out to Janice Durand and send to
4316 Bradford Ridge Rd. Efland, NC 27243


© 2019 by Tree of Life Center adminsistrative office located outside of Hillsborough, North Carolina

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